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A Word About Our Founder:


Grace Martin was 9-years old when she decided to lift the spirits of those with cancer and other health issues. She collected shells on the beach, painted them, and included a prayer for the health of the person to whom the shell was given. And Shells of Hope was born.


That Christmas season Grace was standing outside a store. She noticed some people on the street without coats or blankets in the cold winter weather. Realizing how comfortable she was in her warm coat and hat, Grace decided to do something about their plight. Grace rallied her family and friends and has run a clothing drive since 2015 so that people in need in southern New Jersey would not be cold in the winter. She donated the clothes to the Christian Caring Center each year. Noticing that their mission included children, Grace expanded her collection to include Christmas gifts for the children.


As fate would have it, in September 2023, Grace was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Thanks to successful surgery and proton therapy by the skilled medical providers at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and The University of Pennsylvania, Grace has returned to school and activities. Grace is determined to give forward to others. As a result, in January 2024, Shells of Hope, Inc., a non-profit corporation, with the mission of helping the underprivileged and those suffering from cancer, became a reality. She hopes her story can inspire others to make a difference to those in need. 


We believe all children with cancer need love and support from their community to assist them so they know they are not alone in their battle. 


Our Mission

Our Mission

The mission of Shells of Hope is to assist and support children suffering from cancer and to provide funding for childhood cancer research.  

Our Vision

Childhood cancer research is considerably underfuned.  Our vision is to provide funding for childhood cancer research so as to eventually eradicate this horrilbe disease in children, and to assist those who are currently battling for the lives with cancer.

We Need Your Support Today!

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